Announcements – 5 November 2014

3 NOVEMBER 2014 – Monday Night Activities

Ground School

Location: Seminar Room
Time: 1830-2100

  • Bring pen, pencil, and paper

Flag Party / Drill Team

Location: Vecova
Time: 1900-2100


Location: Parade Square
Time: 1900-2100

Survivair Team

Location: Vecova
Time: 1900-2000
Dress: PT Gear

Biathlon Team

Location: Vecova
Time: 1900-2100

Range Team

Location: Vecova
Time: 1900-2100


The booking of the parade square (Studio 2) on Monday only starts from 7pm, if you arrive earlier, please stay in the hallway. Please do not enter the parade square until the previous renter concludes their activities. 



CO’s Parade

Everyone: C2 (dress shirt, tie, tunic)
New Recruits (that haven’t received their uniform): Appropriate Civilian Attires

Time: 1815-2130

SSC meeting (Parents Meeting)

Location: Board Room
Time: After CO Parade, around 7:30pm

All parents are welcome, please join us after the CO’s parade.

SSC Meeting Location

SSC Meeting Location

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