Weekly Announcements – Sep 29 to Oct 5

Sunday October 2

Mandatory – Gliding Day #2

Time: 0630-1800
Location: Vecova Parade Square – bus will take the cadets to Netook Gliding Centre
Dress: Civvies – OUTDOOR CLOTHING including HAT
Bring: cadets are required to bring snacks, water bottle, and items for outdoors
Officer In Charge: OCdt Kong, Mr Devries

Notes: All cadets who are signed up are to show up at 0630, and the bus will be filled with the cadets pending their availability (i.e. first come first serve for the waiting list)  – more details in the attached warning order: 781-rcacs-warning-order-gliding-oct-2

Monday October 3

Optional Training – 2Lt Scharfenberger

Ground School

Time: 1800-2130
Location: Vecova – Seminar Room
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Lt Simboli

Notes: Open to the cadets who meet the requirements for attaining a glider or power scholarship next summer.  Bring your books, pens/pencils, etc.


Tuesday October 4

Optional – Band Practice – OIC Lt Boyce

Time: 1900-2130
Location: Start in the seminar room and move to the parade square for the last hour
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Devries

Notes: bring instrument and sheet music.  Any new people looking to get involved with the band are urged to attend.

Wednesday October 5

Mandatory – CO’s Parade Night

Time: 1815-2130
Location: Vecova Parade Square
Dress: C2 – Tunic with collard shirt and tie for the CO’s inspection

Notes: Please ensure to pick up your cadet by 2130 on cadet night.  We are under a strict policy at Vecova that we need to be off of the parade square by 2130 on Wednesday nights so we are making a huge effort to make sure we are completed before this time.  The Level 5 cadets will likely need to stay 10 min later.

The Upcoming Field Training Exercise (Oct 14-16) has information out for the signup timeframe and warning order to come shortly.

SSC Annual General Meeting (Parents Meeting)

Location: Board Room
Time: 7:30 pm

All parents are welcome, please join us.

SSC Meeting Location

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