Squadron Photo
Please find the squadron photo taken during the photo night. Please feel free to download your copy.
Great thanks to “Robert Portrait” for donating its service to 781.
Download instruction:
- Click the photo above, the photo will be loaded;
- Right click on the photo and select “Save Image As”;
- Choose a location from your computer to save the photo.
or use mouse to right-click this, and select “Save Link As”, then choose a location from your computer to save the file.
Individual Photo
For cadets who took the individual or group photo, they should have brought home their photo tonight if they attended the parade today. The electronic copy is also available on request. To request your copy, please send an email to: ssc@781aircadets.ca with the following information:
- Name of the cadet
- Email provided on the photo order form
We will validate the information and send you the electronic copy.