Photo Night – April 1


1. Situation

781 RCACS will participate in a photo night at Vecova on 1 Apr 15.

2. Mission

To participate in a photo night.

3. Coordinating Instructions

  1. Photos will be taken right after CO’s parade on 1 Apr 15
  2. Individual and team photos will be $ 5.00 per photo, each cadet will be given a
    squadron photo.

4. Dress

  1. Cadets – C1 – Shirt Tie and Tunic
  2. Officers – Shirt, Tie and Tunic
  3. Civilian Staff – Appropriate attire

5. Command and Signals

  1. Officer in charge of this event is Lt Boyce.
  2. If you are unable to make it please call the squadron at 403-289-1617
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