Cadet Challenge

Hey everybody!  In this time of COVID-19 and our current stand down of training, the squadron, Southern Alberta Area, and the Region are all working toward items to keep cadets and parents engaged.

We have a new section on the squadron website “CADET CHALLENGE” with a drop down menu of items.  Currently there are three items and more added regularly.. of note is the SPEAKER SERIES and joint activity with a squadron in Ontario and ours.. coordinated by Lt. Dunnill-Jones, each Wednesday at 1700hrs, we join up in a ZOOM meet with 818 Falcon Squadron to interview people who were cadets and now have cool jobs, military, civilian – doesn’t matter.. please take the time to tune in..

Two other challenges are up.. for the Level 1/2 Cadets it’s a paper airplane challenge that runs until the beginning of June.. and for our senior cadets in Levels 3/4 – it’s the “SHOW US YOUR… BIVOUAC” challenge.

More to come.. Aviation, Music and more.. stay tuned!!

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Spirit of Victory

Dear Cadets,

The final deadline for submissions to the SPIRIT of Victory contest is just a week away! For anyone still working on your speech, you have until Wednesday, May 6 to polish it up and send it in. You’ll find instructions on how to submit your entry and other contest details at

This contest gives everyone the opportunity to learn more about the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe, and to think about what this key milestone in our history means to us today. We’re partnering with the History and Heroes Foundation to offer a first prize of $1,000, a second prize of $500 and a third prize of $250.

Thank you to everyone who has already entered. To all Alberta cadets, keep up the great work as you continue to learn from home!

Lois E. Mitchell, CM, AOE, LLD
Lieutenant Governor of Alberta

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And now……

Speaker Series
Are you ready for the first installment of our speaker series?! We’ve partnered with 818 ‘Toronto Falcon’ RCACS to present an opportunity to learn from some fascinating individuals!

To submit questions, head to the 818 Instagram ( ), click on their crest, see Captain Hemmings’ description of the event, and type questions into the box once it pops up! (A note on that, 2Lt Banga was a cadet at 702 Squadron)

This week’s guests:

Lieutenant Darcy Foo works for 443 Marine Helicopter Squadron, based on Vancouver Island. He is a graduate of the Royal Military College and received his RCAF pilot wings in the summer of 2019. He is a former cadet of 604 ‘Moose’ RCACS in Calgary, AB.

Second Lieutenant Daegan Banga is currently completing his jet training on the CT-156 Harvard II at 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School (2CFFTS) at 15 Wing Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. He is a former cadet of 702 ‘Lynx’ RCACS in Saskatoon, SK.
Here is the Zoom link:
Password: 774411
See you there!
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