Cadet’s Cancelled 2 October 2024

Good Afternoon 781 cadets! 
We want to start by saying that we were very excited to see you all back to cadets this Wednesday, October 2nd 2024. However, due to events beyond our control, Vecova is closed to all programs on October 2nd, and will be reopening October 3rd. Which means, please do not come to Vecova tomorrow night as the building will not be open for use. 
The CFA planned for tomorrow will be postponed for now and rescheduled for a future date. There will be more information for events and details of training on 9 October 2024- and we very much look forward to seeing you then! 
Please enjoy a week off from cadets with your families, friends, and yourselves to rest and recharge in a way that best serves you and your communities. 
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