Saturday 19 March
EX Intersquadron Survivair Challenge – MANDATORY TRAINING
Time: 0745-1615
Location: Bowness Park
Dress: Civvies – dress for the weather being out in the elements
Notes: bring the items identified in the attched Warning Order – Intersquadron Surviveair2016
Monday 21 March
FTX Planning Meeting for Senior Cadets (FCpl and up) and Officers/Volunteers
Time: 1900-2100
Location: Training Office
Dress: Civvies
Notes: bring note pad and pen for capturing notes
Sunday 20 March to Tuesday March 29
Wednesday 30 March
Time: 1815-2130
Location: Vecova
Dress (all cadets): C4 (Uniform with blue t-shirt under the tunic) Except Level 1 cadets will be in civvies for the rocket testing work they will be doing.
New Cadets: Dress pants or nice jeans that are clean and not ripped; dress shirt or a collared shirt.
- Please make sure your hair, males and females, is up to standard.
- Cadets who arrive at 1830 (6:30) or later will be marked late.
- Make sure to have supper before coming to cadets to mitigate the cadet fainting on the parade square.
From 1830 til 2100 kit inspection and distribution of combat uniform.