Monday 4 March
WO2 Boards
Time: 1900-1930 – FSgt Bystersky, 1930-2000 – FSgt Tran, 2000-2030 – FSgt Wong, 2030-2100 – FSgt Sharma
Location: Board Room
Dress: C-2
Notes: Be prepared for the interview from the questions handed out for prep work.
Band Practice
Time: 1900-2130
Location: Start in VRRI South and move into the Parade Square at 2030
Dress: Civvies
Notes: bring instrument and sheet music
No Drill Team or Flag Party Practice
No Supply
Wednesday 6 April
CO’s Parade
Time: 1815-2130
Location: Vecova
Dress (all cadets): C2 (Uniform with shirt and tie and tunic)
New Cadets: Dress pants or nice jeans that are clean and not ripped; dress shirt or a collared shirt.
- Please make sure your hair, males and females, is up to standard.
- Cadets who arrive at 1830 (6:30) or later will be marked late.
- Make sure to have supper before coming to cadets to mitigate the cadet fainting on the parade square.
SSC meeting (Parents Meeting)
Location: Board Room
Time: 7:00 pm
All parents are welcome, please join us.