Sunday Dec 11
Optional Training – Lt Simboli
Ground School
Time: 0900-1200
Location: Vecova
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Lt Simboli
Notes: Open to the cadets who meet the requirements for attaining a glider or power scholarship next summer. Bring your books, pens/pencils, etc.
Monday Dec 12
Optional Training – Lt Simboli
Ground School
Time: 1800-2130
Location: Vecova
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Lt Simboli
Notes: Open to the cadets who meet the requirements for attaining a glider or power scholarship next summer. Bring your books, pens/pencils, etc.
Tuesday Dec 13
Optional – Band Practice – OIC Lt Boyce
Time: 1900-2130
Location: Start in the seminar room and move to the parade square for the last hour
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Devries
Notes: bring instrument and sheet music. Any new people looking to get involved with the band are urged to attend.
Optional – Flag Party Practice
Time: 2030-2130
Location: Parade Square (at 2030)
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Devries
Notes: For all flag party members and alternates
Optional – Supply Kit Exchange
Time: 1800-1900
Location: Supply room
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Dayman
Notes: Only for exchanging of uniform parts
Wednesday Dec 14
Mandatory – Parade Night
Time: 1815-2130
Location: Vecova Parade Square
Dress: Physical Fitness Gear (PT gear) including indoor sneakers
Notes: Evening is Fitness related
REMINDER: Please remember to return your ticket stubs and money to the SSC at the start of the cadet night. They will be on the Parade Square from 1800 until 1830 collecting this from each cadet.