781 Squadron has been requested to assist with the 2015 Poppy Campaign by Royal Canadian Legion Branch 284 (Chapelhow).
To campaign at Calgary International Airport on the following dates:
- Saturday, 31 Oct 15
- Sunday, 1 Nov 15
- Saturday, 7 Nov 15
- Sunday, 8 Nov 15
Cadets are required to participate on the dates volunteered for.
- RV location:
- Chapelhow Legion – Branch No. 284
606 – 38th Avenue NE
Calgary AB T2E 8J9
- Chapelhow Legion – Branch No. 284
- Dress:
- Dress shall be C-2 for all cadets with an issued uniform. All others shall dress in appropriate civilian attire (prefer white collared shirt and dark dress pant).
- Dress for staff shall be No. 3. An exception will be made for those members that do not yet have the new DEU ranks. In this case member shall wear 3C with tie.
- CV’s shall dress in appropriate civilian attire.
All participants shall rendezvous at the designated venue NLT 0900 hrs on the Saturdays and NLT 0930 on the Sundays for transport to campaign location by Legion staff. Morning snacks will be made available.
- Transportation (contracted bus) will be provided by Chapelhow Legion.
- Return transport will arrive back at the Legion at approximately 1500 hrs where a lunch will be provided.
- Parents shall arrive at Chapelhow Legion NLT 1600 hrs to pick up their cadets.
- If cell phones, MP3 players, etc are brought, they are at the risk and responsibility of the cadet. 781 RCACS will not be fiscally responsible for any lost items.
- The following are prohibited items:
- Other personal electronic devices
- Knives, lighters, non-prescription drugs
- Smoking paraphernalia
- Event OPI’s:
- 31 Oct 15: Lt Boyce
- 1 Nov 15: Lt Scharfenberger
- 7 Nov 15: Capt Hisey
- 8 Nov 15: Maj Wilson