Change of Command

Certificate Signing at Vecova 21 October 2020


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Update from Formation Commander – Commodore Kurtz



  1. The Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers HQ remains committed to ensuring that Canadian youth have access to challenging and unique experiences focused on leadership, citizenship, healthy living and stimulating interest in sea, land, and air activities of the Canadian Armed Forces.
  2. We recognize that there may be a lot of questions about summer 2021, but the quick answer is we do not know exactly what summer 2021 will look like. We are planning for all scenarios so we can offer the best experiences to our Program participants.
  3. Some of the options we are currently exploring include: Cadet Activity Programs (CAP) during spring break and the summer, virtual courses, hybrid courses (some virtual and in-person components), and in-person CTC courses. All options are subject to change based on the continually evolving situation.
  4. We are planning to offer in-person CTC courses, if the situation allows, but it won’t look the same as we were used to. We will be adjusting to be able to adhere to local PHMs and guidelines. The planning priority will be placed on courses that effect the capability of providing quality localized training programs.
  5. As we continue to explore an array of options to offer experiences without compromising the safety of the cadets and staff, you can anticipate seeing regular updates about the summer 2021 situation and are encouraged to visit regularly for updates.
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Welcome Back!

Good Day!

Thank you Mr. Webber for the awesome work on the new Virtual / In-person training program logo!  The staff have been hard at work trying to get a virtual / distance learning program up and running and we’re hoping to kick it off on 4 November 2020.

Some announcements for this week..

  • CO’s Virtual Briefing
    • Wednesday evening 21 October, 1945h on ZOOM.  Follow this link to join, if you cannot log in because we’re at capacity, please try again at 2000h and we will run a second quick session.
    • Join Zoom Meeting

      Meeting ID: 712 8023 7157
      Passcode: 2fq5pb

  • DISCORD – at the moment the DISCORD is our unit wide communication tool.  If you have not yet signed up, links are available on previous posts here on the website as well as on Facebook page.  If you do not sign up (parents are welcome to do so too!) you will not be able to participate in our Virtual Training.
  • GOOGLE CLASSROOM – we have not yet been able to fully secure the Google GSuite of tools, but will continue down this path and integrate it into our training plan.
  • IN-PERSON Training – We are diligently looking for ways to make this happen in a safe and effective manner.  With restrictions in place currently, cadets would only be able to visit in person once in 4-5 weeks with the remainder of training activities taking place through Distance Learning – which will blend online virtual activities, with worksheets, learning packages, at-home activities and more.  Please be patient with us!
  • SUPPLY / UNIFORMS – same as the above bullet point, we’re working to allow cadets to come and exchange uniforms as soon as it is safe and effective to do so.
  • REMEMBRANCE DAY – there are some changes coming very soon regarding participation in VIRTUAL REMEMBRANCE SERVICES, there will be NO PARTICIPATION AT SCHOOLS / LEGIONS this year IN PERSON.  You may NOT wear your uniform to represent the program this year.  We understand how tough this is, however for everybody’s safety and security please follow this policy.  As things change, we will keep you updated.

I hope to see you tomorrow!

Captain Rob VanderLee, CD  | Commanding Officer

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