Speaker Series

Last Wednesday evening 781 Squadron kicked off it’s latest “Speaker Series” with an Alumnus Air Cadet from 878 Squadron – Major Taylor Evans. He is currently serving in Moose Jaw with the Snowbirds as the Lead Solo #9 Jet. (@the9jet) The link to the recording is here – CLICK HERE

Our next two speaker series will include LCdr Lee Charizia (ex cadet) serving with the RCN and posting to NORAD HQ in Colorado, as well as Ms. Shirlee Smith Matheson – Author of “Maverick in the Sky” The Aerial Adventures of WW1 Flying Ace Freddie McCall.

We have also asked members of 440 Squadron Search and Rescue from Yellowknife to speak to the cadets in the upcoming months. 

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Speaker Series

On Wednesday we are pleased to announce that Major Taylor Evans, a “retired” WO1 from 878 Banff / Canmore Squadron will speak about his career as a pilot in the Canadian Armed Forces.  A qualified CF-18 Pilot and Instructor as well as current Snowbird (#9 Jet), Major Evans will be available on a Speaker Series Zoom Call this coming Wednesday evening (Feb 10 – 1930hrs)

Link to the Zoom call will be made available on the Squadron Discord the in the afternoon.  Uniforms are expected if you have them and cameras on if you are asking a question. 

If you would like to post a question Prior to the meeting, use the FORM here

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CO’s Virtual Parade

Tune into Zoom for a CO’s Virtual Parade on Wednesday February 3 at 1830 Hours.  The meeting is on our schedule, please click on the link in the Discord – email the squadron if you are unable to find it.  781training@gmail.com

Attendance will be taken, please attend – classes will begin afterward.

Topics to be discussed:

Promotions / Summer Training / Additional Training / Recruiting

See you then!!

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