Level 5 Workshop

All those cadets who are attending (you know who you are)

Uniform shirt and tie (parka/gloves/toque)

Breakfast at 7 am university dining hall behind hotel Alma

Welcome briefing at 8am education building main lecture hall

Done after supper 430-5

COME PREPARED.. you know what you need.. you’re level 5 after all.

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Squadron Swim Night

December 18th @ Village Square Leisure Centre in the NE

Arrive NLT 1830hrs – late arrivals will NOT be allowed in.

Parent pick up NO LATER THAN 2100hrs (9pm)

Dress appropriately


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Squadron Recruiting

Currently the Squadron is closed to new recruits.

We have reached our maximum number of cadets for the safety and security of all members of the unit. More information and future recruting plans will be posted here as it becomes available.

Please consult the Air Cadet League of Alberta website for the locations of other squadrons in the Calgary area.

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