Author Archives: Rob VanderLee

Senior NCO FTX @ Worthington – POSTPONED / CANCELLED

April 3/4/5 2020 More information to follow. This will be conducted at Camp Worthington, the predominant theme will be planning and preparation for the Level 1/2 FTX following in May at Rocky CTC. Cadets will be expected to participate in … Continue reading

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408 Helicopter Flight

7 March 2020 (weather dependant) Activity takes place from the HIGH RIVER AIRPORT, 0845-1100 hours for flying activity. EMAILS have been sent to the confirmed cadets – BUS DEPARTS VECOVA at 0715hrs. Parents driving meet at the 187 Squadron HQ … Continue reading

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Summer Training Changes

A recent post by Cadets Canada regarding changes to courses (GT Specificially) as well as “Day Camps” and changes to the Music Training was recently placed on the internet (Facebook) No information has yet been given to the Commanding Officers … Continue reading

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