Returning Cadet Night
Date: Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Location: Parade Square
- Level 2: 6:30pm – 7:30pm arrival for processing
- Level 3: 7:30pm – 8:30pm arrival for processing
- Level 4+: 8:30pm – 9:30pm arrival for processing
It is requested that all available WO’s and F/Sgt’s arrive to assist Sqn staff beginning NLT 1815hrs
All cadets are advised that Supply will be open for the issue, return and replacement of any uniform items needed for the start of the new year.
- AC to Sgt dress shall be C-4
- Dress for F/Sgt and WO’s shall be C-2
- Dress for uniform staff shall be C-3B, Civilian staff appropriate civilian attire.
The Training Dept will be asking for assistance from the Warrant and F/Sgt community at the beginning of the night. All those that are not available may arrive at their allotted time.
Please direct any questions to Captain Hisey or the Trg O.