Mom’s Pantry

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Moms Pantry LogoWe are excited to announce that “781 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron” has once again chosen to fundraise with Mom’s Pantry! We are confident they can help us reach our fundraising goals as they have over 40 year experience in the food industry, high quality products, great customer service and 100% money back guarantee.

Everyone involved is encouraged to purchase these products and to pass on the order forms and information to everyone in their network. Orders can be taken from friends, neighbours and relatives. You can assist greatly by taking orders at your place of employment, social or sports clubs. It is with your effort and commitment that we will be able to reach our fundraising goal.

Order Deadline: March 23, 2016 (extended)

Place order online at, Order must be made on or before March 23, 2016

  1. Go to the ONLINE ORDRING SYSTEM in the top right hand corner of the website.
  1. If this is your first time online ordering with Mom’s Pantry then you will need to click on CREATE NEW ACCOUNT in order to register yourself as an individual customer. It will ask for your name, address, email etc. and for a password that you create. Click on
  1. Once you have successfully registered then go back to the ONLINE ORDERING SYSTEM and type in your email and the password you created and press Login.
  1. When the pop up box appears to login to the fundraising order, enter your ORDERNUMBER and GROUP PASSCODE found here:
    Group Name: 781 Royal Canadian Air Cadets
    Order Number: 218467
    Group Password:  22410
  1. Place your order and checkout.
  1. Print your receipt.
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