We will hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Parents Association of 781 Squadron on Weds. May 3, 2017, at 7:30 pm. The meeting will be held in the Boardroom of Vecova after the CO’s Parade.
In this meeting, we will hold elections for the executive members. There are a few openings for the executive positions next year. The executive positions include the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Please be aware that if you have an interest in becoming one of the executive positions, you must be a screened volunteer. More information about becoming a screened volunteer can be found on our website (http://781aircadets.ca/ssc/screened-volunteer/).
This will be our last meeting of the year. We will send out a reminder along with the meeting agenda closer to the AGM meeting. We encourage you to come and participate. Hope to see you there!
The Executive of the Parents Association