Saturday 7 May
Ex Hopeful Orientation – Mandatory Training Day
Time: 0830-1530
Location: location change to FISH CREEK PARK. The access to the park for the event will be via 37th Street SW and 130th Ave. This brings you to the Woodpath Road entranceway into the park off 130th Ave. The location is called “Shannon Terrace”
Dress: Civvies – dress for being outdoors all day – be dressed in sports/hiking type of attire and dress for the elements!
Officer In Charge: Capt Angel & Lt Boyce
Notes: CADETS NEED TO BRING THEIR LUNCH WITH THEM! This is a full day adventure information contained: Warning Order 2016-signed Annex B OrineteeringWO
Ex Music Level Testing
Time: 1200-1700
Location: Mewata Armouries
Dress: C-2 – tunic, collared shirt, and tie with ribbons.
Officer In Charge: Mr. Devries
Notes: Cadets are to eat their lunch before arriving at the armouries. Bring your instrument, sheet music, and all of your instrument maintenance gear.
Sunday 8 May
Ex Raffle Sales – Fundraising Event
Location: Super Store at Country Hills
0900-1230 – FCpl Kain, M, Cpl Graves, and Sgt Bhagawatula
1230-1600 – Cpl Sinclair and AC Tan, Louis
1600-1930 – Cpl Munroy, M and LAC Hammond
Location: Planet Organic near the Royal Oak
1200-1600 – Cpl Li, Hong and LAC Mustafa
Dress: C4 (tunic with t-shirt)
Officer In Charge: Capt Angel
Notes: No food will be provided. Each location will have a screen volunteer work with the cadets to sell the raffle tickets.
Monday 9 May
Flag Party Practice
Time: 1900-2000
Location: Parade Square
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: OCdt Holmes
Band Practice
Time: 1900-2130
Location: VRRI South & Parade Square
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Devries
Notes: bring instrument and sheet music
Time: 1800-2000 for exchanges
Location: Supply
Officer In Charge: Sgt Colliss
Tuesday 10 May
Survivair Practice
Time: 1900-2130
Location: Bowness Park
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Fisher
Notes: For all of the team and alternates (along with Senior cadet coaches) – be prepared to be out in the elements!
Wednesday 11 May
Regular Parade
Time: 1815-2130
Location: Vecova
Dress (all cadets): C-4A (Uniform with t-shirt etc)
New Cadets: Dress pants or nice jeans that are clean and not ripped; dress shirt or a collared shirt.
- Please make sure your hair, males and females, is up to standard.
- Cadets who arrive at 1830 (6:30) or later will be marked late.
- Make sure to have supper before coming to cadets to mitigate the cadet fainting on the parade square.
- Level 2As have their weapon handling test and hopefully will be shooting on the range as well.
Saturday May 14 – Gliding Day – Make sure to sign up with Mr Fisher if you have not yet been up flying with cadets. This is a full day trip – be at Vecova back parking lot by 0700hrs and will return by 1730hrs
Friday May 27 – Sunday May 29 – Survivair Competition – Arrangements will be made to transport the team and the staff cadets to RMNACTC Survivair site for the competition – details to come in the following weeks.
Wednesday June 6 – Annual Ceremonial Review – This is the end of the year show that the cadets put a lot of work toward all year – and give us a chance to recognize their accomplishments! More information to come.
Saturday June 11 – Annual Banquet – OCdt Holmes still requires some payments from cadets – hand this in ASAP.