Announcements Thursday May 26 – Wednesday June 1

Friday 27 May and Sunday 29 May


Time: Arrive at Deerfoot Mall for 1730 on Friday May 25 and will return back to the same location at 1030 on Sunday May 27
Location: Meet at deerfoot mall – will be transported from there via bus to the Rocky Mountain Army Cadet Summer Training Center.
Dress: Survival attire – Dress for the weather and see the kit list in the attachment!
Officer In Charge: Mr Fisher, Lt Boyce, and Capt Angel

SurvivAir Spring 2016 Op O (includes the kit list)

Monday 30 May

ACR PRACTICE and Flight Time

Time: 1830-2130
Location: LHQ – the parking lot across from the bottle depot
Dress: Civvies – dress for the weather as we will be outside (have the parade square if the weather is really poor)
Officer In Charge: Lt Scharfenberger

Notes: All cadets are expected to attend – this is one of 3 remaining practices for the end of the year Annual Ceremonial Review!  Bring along your uniform along with polish, iron, etc to be able to do some uniform work.

Wednesday 1 June


Time: 1815-2130
Location: Vecova + Parking lot across from the bottle depot
Dress (all cadets): CIVVIES


  1. Cadets who arrive at 1830 (6:30) or later will be marked late.
  2. Make sure to have supper before coming to cadets to mitigate the cadet fainting on the parade square.
  3. Be prepared to be outdoors for the evening to do a full ACR Practice
  4. Level 3 and 4 cadets will have an opportunity to complete their aviation exams!
  5. All first year cadets who have not been through PSRY yet this year will need to attend that training.


Saturday Jun 4 and Sunday Jun 5- Raffle Sales – Cadets are encouraged to participate in 2 fundraising activities in each training year to better support the squadron.  This is one of those opportunities – please sign up for a shift at one of the locations during the weekend.

Monday Jun 6 – ACR PRACTICE. 

Wednesday June 8 – Annual Ceremonial Review – This is the end of the year show that the cadets put a lot of work toward all year – and give us a chance to recognize their accomplishments!  More information to come.
Location: Art Smith Aero Centre

Saturday June 11 – Annual Banquet
Location: Symon’s Valley Ranch

Monday June 13  and Wednesday June 15 – will be make up evenings for training (Level 3 and 4 Instruction and Drill Mutuals, Fitness training, marksmanship, etc)

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