Friday 27 May and Sunday 29 May
Time: Arrive at Deerfoot Mall for 1730 on Friday May 25 and will return back to the same location at 1030 on Sunday May 27
Location: Meet at deerfoot mall – will be transported from there via bus to the Rocky Mountain Army Cadet Summer Training Center.
Dress: Survival attire – Dress for the weather and see the kit list in the attachment!
Officer In Charge: Mr Fisher, Lt Boyce, and Capt Angel
SurvivAir Spring 2016 Op O (includes the kit list)
Monday 30 May
ACR PRACTICE and Flight Time
Time: 1830-2130
Location: LHQ – the parking lot across from the bottle depot
Dress: Civvies – dress for the weather as we will be outside (have the parade square if the weather is really poor)
Officer In Charge: Lt Scharfenberger
Notes: All cadets are expected to attend – this is one of 3 remaining practices for the end of the year Annual Ceremonial Review! Bring along your uniform along with polish, iron, etc to be able to do some uniform work.
Wednesday 1 June
Time: 1815-2130
Location: Vecova + Parking lot across from the bottle depot
Dress (all cadets): CIVVIES
- Cadets who arrive at 1830 (6:30) or later will be marked late.
- Make sure to have supper before coming to cadets to mitigate the cadet fainting on the parade square.
- Be prepared to be outdoors for the evening to do a full ACR Practice
- Level 3 and 4 cadets will have an opportunity to complete their aviation exams!
- All first year cadets who have not been through PSRY yet this year will need to attend that training.
Saturday Jun 4 and Sunday Jun 5- Raffle Sales – Cadets are encouraged to participate in 2 fundraising activities in each training year to better support the squadron. This is one of those opportunities – please sign up for a shift at one of the locations during the weekend.
Monday Jun 6 – ACR PRACTICE.
Wednesday June 8 – Annual Ceremonial Review – This is the end of the year show that the cadets put a lot of work toward all year – and give us a chance to recognize their accomplishments! More information to come.
Location: Art Smith Aero Centre
Saturday June 11 – Annual Banquet
Location: Symon’s Valley Ranch
Monday June 13 and Wednesday June 15 – will be make up evenings for training (Level 3 and 4 Instruction and Drill Mutuals, Fitness training, marksmanship, etc)