Friday 15 April to Sunday 17 April
Level 5 Mandatory PD Weekend in Penhold
Time: Arrive at Mewata Armouries by 1830, bus to depart at 1900 hrs for Penhold on Friday. The bus will return to Mewata Armouries by 1400-1430 on Sunday.
Location: Mewata Armouries to catch the bus, Penhold for the weekend
Dress: C4 or C4a (but bring the uniform parts for C-2 incase they are required)
Notes: Remember to review the JI’s – Year 5 Workshop 2016 for all of the details including kit list
Monday 18 April
Flag Party Practice
Time: 1800-1900
Location: Parade Square
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: OCdt Holmes
Notes: Remember to bring your parade boots
Band Practice
Time: 1900-2130
Location: VRRI South – move to the Parade Square
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Devrise
Notes: bring instrument and sheet music
Time: 1800-1900
Location: Supply
Officer In Charge: Sgt Colliss
Notes: Only for those cadets who require uniform parts or who have been contacted to pick up their uniform parts.
Tuesday 19 April
Survivair Practice
Time: 1900-2130
Location: Bowness Park
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Fisher, Lt Chattell
Notes: For all of the team and alternates (along with Senior cadet coaches) – be prepared to be out in the elements!
Wednesday 20 April
Regular Parade
Time: 1815-2130
Location: Vecova
Dress (all cadets): C-4A (Uniform with t-shirt)
New Cadets: Dress pants or nice jeans that are clean and not ripped; dress shirt or a collared shirt.
- Please make sure your hair, males and females, is up to standard.
- Cadets who arrive at 1830 (6:30) or later will be marked late.
- Make sure to have supper before coming to cadets to mitigate the cadet fainting on the parade square.
- Level 3s have their Instructional Techniques Evaluation on Tuesday so come prepared for that!
- Level 1B have their marksmanship night to go through the weapon handling test and hopefully shoot at a target.
Additional Notes:
Sign-up for the end of year Banquet for both cadets and parents
Saturday June 11
Time: 1700 meet and greet, 1800 supper, 2200 wrapup
Location: Simon’s Valley Ranch
Dress (all cadets): Mess uniform for the cadets including white shirt and black bow tie (if you have it), Female cadets can choose to wear a dress, skirt or dressy outfit instead.
Note: Cadets will need to pay $10 for the ticket, and Parents will need to pay $20 for the ticket. Sign-up list is available at the office, see OCdt Holmes for more information.