Announcements Thurs Feb 16 – Wed Feb 22

Friday Feb 17

Optional Training – Lt Simboli

FTX Frosted Flakes Planning

Time: 1830-2100
Location: Vecova training office
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Lt Simboli

Notes: For all of the level 5 cadets who are responsible for planning and executing the FTX Frosted Flakes weekend.  Bring note paper and pen.

Saturday Feb 18

National Scholarship Boards

Time: 0645 – 1815
Location: Drop off and pickup at the public parking lot at Mewata Armouries
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Lt Boyce

Notes: For all of the cadets who are attending the Scholarship Boards in Red Deer.  Bus will be departing at 0700 hrs sharp.  Lunch will be provided, however it is encouraged that cadets bring snacks with them as it is a long day.  C-2 Uniform is to be carried to the location and cadets can change once they arrive (Remember all of your parts!).  It is also encouraged that cadets bring something to occupy them while the others are being interviewed.

Tuesday Feb 21

Optional – Band Practice 

Time: 1900-2130
Location: Start in the seminar room and move to the parade square for the last hour
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Devries

Notes: bring instrument and sheet music.  Any new people looking to get involved with the band are urged to attend.

Optional – Flag Party Practice

Time: 2030-2130
Location: Parade Square
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Devries

Notes: For all flag party members and alternates.

Wednesday Feb 22

Mandatory – Fitness Assessment Night

Time: 1800-2130
Location: Vecova
Dress: Physical Fitness Gear (Indoor sneakers and gym clothing are a must)
Notes: Note remember to bring your water bottles!

Upcoming events:

  1. Marksmanship Competition from 0730-1230 on Saturday Feb 25 for the Marksmanship Teams
  2. FTX Frosted Flakes, Mandatory for Level 1 and 2 cadets happening on the March 17-19 weekend at Rocky Mountain Summer Training Centre.
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