Announcements – 29 April 2015

Monday 27 April 2015

Combat Signout/Renewal

Time: 1800 – 1900
Location: Vecova


Time: 1900 – 2100
Location: Vecova

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Regular Parade Night!

Time: 1830 – 2130
Location: Vecova
Dress: All Seniors (Sgts+) and those cadets with combats, will wear them!
If you don’t have combats, appropriate civillian attire.

  • Make sure to eat and bring pen/paper

*Important Note*
The Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) is coming up soon! There are seven weeks until ACR! Everyone should be working on their uniforms on a weekly basis! This means that pants should be ironed, boots should be shined, and badges should be in the correct place. Once again if you are unsure where your badges go then take a look at Mr Fisher’s post under the references forum. If you have any concerns with your uniforms then you can talk to your flight commanders!

Parents, are you receiving email communications from 781 Air Cadets? If you have not done so, please send an email to and follow the instruction afterwards. You will be setup to receive email communication from Parents Association of 781 Squadron.

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