781 Air Cadets Fundraising Campaign – Coco Brooks

As announced on April 1st, we have a wonderful fundraiser with Coco Brooks. As you have had a few weeks to look at the CocoBrooks fundraiser information, we are eager to collect your orders, we have only a couple of weeks left.

Looking forward to have all your order forms/online orders in at the earliest. 

Please feel free to contact Shailesh (chair@781aircadets.ca) or Karen (kpk@telusplanet.net or cell: 403-615-0530) with any questions.

We need your support for our next Fundraising Campaign.

We have chosen the Coco Brooks Program, great products and a wide variety.

I have attached the “ Seller “ information, if you would like to register yourself as a “Seller” then you can send out a link to friends and family.

Please remember you are responsible for picking up the FROZEN food from Vecova on May 16th and distributing it to who you sell to.

Even if you’d like to fill up your freezer with some products for the long weekend, you can place your own order as a customer.

Karen is coordinating this for 781 Air Cadets, if you have any questions, please drop her a line or give me a call.

kpk@telusplanet.net or cell: 403-615-0530

**If you aren’t comfortable forwarding out email invites, Karen will have copies of order guides and product lists on the table at Vecova on Wednesdays evening for the month of April.

All orders must be to me and paid for by April 26. Thanks for your support !!!!

If we all sell ( to family and friends ) or buy $100 worth each family, we have the potential of making over $6000 profit for our wind up banquet.

Your next step is to invite sellers to join your campaign. You can copy the link and code below and send to all the sellers in your group. There is only one seller invitation code to give out to all your sellers. Sellers must have this unique seller invitation code In order for them to be linked to your campaign as sellers. Sellers go online and enter this invitation code. Sellers are your sales team. Please take note that this code is not for your customers to order with.


Seller code: cutin-trock

Once the sellers are linked to the campaign, they can now get their assigned unique customer invitation code from the website. Each seller will have their own unique customer invitation code to give out to their customers so that when the customer enters their order, the credit goes to the correct seller. The seller will be responsible for delivering the product to their own customers.

If you want to do paper orders, you can download and print the forms and then forward it to your sellers. Once they filled that out and returned to you, you have to enter all of those online. We don’t accept paper orders so you will be responsible in entering all those orders online.

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