UPDATED: Announcements Mar 13-15

Monday Mar 13

Optional – Survivair Practice
OIC – Capt Hisey
Time: 1900-2100
Location: Vecova Parade Square
Dress: Civvies
Who: Cadets outlined on the listing
Officer in Charge: OCdt Fisher / Mr Hilton

Notes: bring your note books and paper

Optional – Drill Team Practice

Time: 1900-2100
Location: Vecova Parade Square
Dress: Civvies
Who: Anyone interested in joining the drill team
Officer in Charge: Mr Devries / Ms Plimbley

Notes: Bring your cadet boots

Tuesday Mar 14

Optional – Effective Speaking Practice

Time: 1900-2030
Location: Meet in the training office
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Lt Boyce

Notes: Bring your note paper and pen along with your prepared speeches

Optional – Band Practice 

Time: 1900-2130
Location: Start in the seminar room and move to the parade square for the last hour
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Devries

Notes: bring instrument and sheet music.  Any new people looking to get involved with the band are urged to attend.

Optional – Flag Party Practice

Time: 2030-2130
Location: Parade Square
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Devries

Notes: For all flag party members and alternates.

Wednesday Mar 15

Mandatory – Parade Night

Time: 1800-2130
Location: Vecova
Dress: C-4
Notes: Note remember to bring your water bottles!  and Level 2B has a range practice.

 Upcoming events:

  1. FTX Frosted Flakes, Mandatory for Level 1 and 2 cadets happening on the March 17-19 weekend at Rocky Mountain Summer Training Centre.  See the Information list and Kit list:  FTX Frosted Flakes – Information
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