Poppy Drive Information

Thank-you for those who have already volunteered for the Poppy Drive on Oct 29/30 and Nov 5/6.  We are to be dropped off at the Chapelhow Legion for 0900 hrs and picked back up at 1600 hrs.  Bring a lunch along with you or money for you to purchase lunch during the day.  The Legion has arranged for a bus to bring us out to the airport and to return at the end of the day.

We are still looking for some Level 4 and 5 cadets for the first weekend, please see Capt Hisey to sign up.

29-Oct-16 OIC: Lt Boyce
Rank Last Name First Name
LAC Hammond Kendra
LAC Huang Colin
FCpl Kain Meshal
FCpl Libunao Samuelle
LAC Pan Elena
FCpl Wang Natasha
FCpl Wong Dyllon
LAC Wong Kaitlin
LAC Yulo-Tamana Life
30-Oct-16 OIC: CV Devries
Rank Last Name First Name
Sgt Berselli Pietro
Cdt Brunovas Tajus
Cdt Leung Heidi
Cpl Leung Valerie, Sarah
Cpl Mansour Nicholas, Subaru
FCpl Monroy Michelle
Sgt Ravishankar Akshith
Cpl Sinclair Jerrod
Sgt Wan Lougheed
LAC Wong Kaitlin
05-Nov-16 OIC: Capt Angel
Rank Last Name First Name
Sgt Bhagawatula Pranav
LAC Brodersen Matti
Sgt Fraley Elena
LAC Hammond Kendra
Cpl Hodgins Jordan
LAC Hu Hanchen
LAC Jadhav Aaryan
Cpl Kong Joseph
LAC Lee Elaine
Cdt Li Eric
LAC Ornaghi Vittorio
LAC Qin Shuyao
FCpl Wong Dyllon
Cpl Zhou Shirley   (Fangyu)
06-Nov-16 OIC: CV Frost
Rank Last Name First Name
Sgt Berselli Pietro
Sgt Chu Crystal
LAC Chu Edwin
FSgt Doubinin Courtney Marie
FCpl Fetherstonhaugh Dryden
Cdt Gabriel Chris
LAC Hammond Kendra
Cpl Hodgins Jordan
Cpl Li Hong Xuan
FCpl McPhee Simon, Patrick
Sgt Ravishankar Akshith
Cpl Ritchie Virginia
Sgt Su Gabriel
Sgt Wan Lougheed
LAC Zhang Grace
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