Announcements Thursday Apr 21 – Wednesday Apr 27

Monday 25 April

Flight Uniform and Drill Practice

Time: 1900-2100
Location: Various Classrooms and Parade Square at Vecova
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Capt Angel

Notes: Remember to bring your UNIFORM, Polishing kit, iron and ironing board if you can – basically everything you need to give your uniform a boost

Flag Party Practice

Time: 1900-2100
Location: Parking Lot Practice
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: OCdt Holmes

Band Practice

Time: 1900-2130
Location: VRRI South – move to the Parade Square
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Devrise

Notes: bring instrument and sheet music


Time: 1800-1900 for cadets without uniforms, 1900-2000 for exchanges
Location: Supply
Officer In Charge: Sgt Colliss


Tuesday 26 April

Survivair Practice

Time: 1900-2130
Location: Bowness Park
Dress: Civvies
Officer In Charge: Mr Fisher

Notes: For all of the team and alternates (along with Senior cadet coaches) – be prepared to be out in the elements!

Wednesday 27 April

Regular Parade

Time: 1815-2130
Location: Vecova
Dress (all cadets): C-4A (Uniform with t-shirt)
New Cadets: Dress pants or nice jeans that are clean and not ripped; dress shirt or a collared shirt.


  1. Please make sure your hair, males and females, is up to standard.
  2. Cadets who arrive at 1830 (6:30) or later will be marked late.
  3. Make sure to have supper before coming to cadets to mitigate the cadet fainting on the parade square.
  4. Level 3s have their Aviation Evaluation on Wednesday so come prepared for that as it is essential you pass this evaluation to advance training levels.
  5. Level 2B have their marksmanship night to go through the weapon handling test and hopefully shoot at a target.


Saturday April 30 – Gliding Day – Make sure to sign up with Mr Fisher if you have not yet been up flying with cadets.  This is a full day trip – be at Vecova back parking lot by 0700hrs and will return by 1730hrs

Wednesday May 4 – Level 4 Aviation Exam – Remember to prepare for this exam, it is essential to pass it to progress in your level.

Wednesday June 6 – Annual Ceremonial Review – This is the end of the year show that the cadets put a lot of work toward all year – and give us a chance to recognize their accomplishments!  More information to come.

Saturday June 11 – Annual Banquet – Sign up for this event by the end of April with OCdt Holmes.  $10 for cadets, $20 for parents – Sign up is required to ensure we order enough food. 


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